My typical day at the desktop

Just for fun, I thought I would share my typical day at the desktop… This is only one of the six virtual desktops I run – no fancy window transparencies and silly graphical monitor thingies – clean, fast, and strictly business 😉

desktop bling
(added 2/2/05)
The above is still exactly how my workstation is running at the office, but recently, I picked up a new Dell 600m, and decided to run some fluxbox eye candy – enjoy!

Create Your Own Login

I finished up the configuration so you can create your own login for pbandjelly! You can set up your own user on the Create Login (link removed) page and after you get your welcome email, you can edit your own password, settings, and comments. If you want to add articles, then all I need to do is add your user as a blog team member!

I am starting to really like Nucleus. Much nicer than many of the bigger CMS apps I have tried, in my opinion, and it appears that some of the more popular portals, like Postnuke, are moving to a much more sparse default look and feel. With the advent of web-enabled mobile phones and wireless PDAs, simple, mostly test-based, web sites are on the rise. After all, content is king!

Michael is now a WordPress user 😉

First Dentist Visit

Roxane went to the dentist for the first time on Monday. She let the hygienist and dentist poke around, count teeth, and do the whole polish and floss routine. They were amazed, and told me that they have 6 and 8 year old patients that they have to struggle with, and that she was just incredible for a 2 and 1/2 year old. I told them that I already knew that 😉
